Our Principles
Doing the Impossible
We know that a better world is out there—our role is to push toward that place. We will get there by doing what has never been done, doing what some say cannot happen, doing what is believed to be impossible.
Practicing Pragmatic Idealism
We take our dreams and make them real by adopting outcome-driven strategies, by overcoming adversity, and by maintaining our focus for as long as needed to succeed for people, wild places, and our climate.
Seeking Leverage and Embracing Dynamic Tension
Significant progress requires power: we are constantly searching for leverage and applying it at the precise location needed to unleash the forces of change while embracing the discomfort and dynamic tension that this requires. To maximize this leverage, we reject dogmatic thinking, we are comfortable with uncertainty, and we embrace uncommon allies.
Standing with Impacted Communities
We are committed to respecting and supporting the rights of Indigenous Peoples to free, prior, and informed consent. In recognition of the structural racism and ethnic inequities that result in significantly greater toxic burdens for low-income communities and communities of color, we are also committed to building collaborative relationships and campaigns that embody decolonization and that support impacted communities.
Valuing Relationships
We practice fierce compassion to speak truth to ourselves, our colleagues, our allies, and our adversaries with skill and grace. Collaboration is our preferred approach, but we won’t take no for an answer. If confrontation becomes necessary, we don’t see our adversaries as enemies but as people with whom we disagree.
Cultivating the Power of People
Investing in our team is a priority and we strive to do so through leadership training and mindfulness practice to tap into the immense power resident in each of us. We are also dedicated to partnering with and supporting the leadership of frontline changemakers and allies whose work is indispensable to realizing our common goals for people and the planet.
Striving for Balance
Sometimes we have to sprint, and we sprint hard. We go above and beyond to achieve our goals. However, significant change is a marathon. In order to re-charge, we strive to balance our professional and personal lives. This enables us to bring passion, creativity, and excitement to the marathon that is our mission.