Grant Writer

Julia joins with more than seven years of experience in nonprofit organizing, communications, and fundraising. After witnessing years of severe drought and increasingly shorter winters in her hometown in Colorado, Julia decided to pursue a B.S. in Environmental Science and Policy at Chapman University in Orange, CA. Supported by a minor in public relations, Julia developed a passion for using powerful narratives and storytelling to secure meaningful action to protect our environment and people.

As Orange County Coastkeeper’s Director of Cleanup OC she engaged more than 10,000 volunteers in beach cleanups that were responsible for removing over 62,000 pounds of trash from the coastline. In her time as 350 Colorado’s Communications and Development Director, she increased organizational income by more than 300% in five years through grant writing, peer-to-peer fundraising, and major gift development. Julia is also a trained Climate Reality Leader and serves on the steering committee for Safe & Healthy Colorado, a grassroots community initiative working to protect Coloradans from neighborhood fracking.

In her spare time, you will most likely find her in the mountains either climbing up or skiing down them.


More Staff & Board

Shayda Naficy

Senior Campaigns Director

Matthew Lichty

Data Analyst

Arin De Hoog

Canada Communications Specialist

Aneri Garg

Canada Shipping Campaigner

Make a Difference

We have less than ten years to prevent irreversible harm from climate change. Let’s secure a safer planet together.

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