Transportation Campaign Director

Kendra Ulrich joined in January 2018. As the Transportation Campaign Director, she designs and leads the organization’s corporate and policy initiatives to reduce the climate, ecological, and human health impacts of international freight transportation.

Prior to joining Stand, she worked with Greenpeace Japan as the Senior Global Energy Campaigner. In Japan, she spearheaded a successful intervention at the UN Human Rights Council to support Fukushima survivors’ fight for justice, particularly women and children. She also led the Clean Energy Kansai campaign, the primary project of the Japan Energy Revolution international cluster project. Before transferring to Japan, Kendra worked with Greenpeace International in Amsterdam, where she supported national and regional Greenpeace offices in the development of their energy campaigns and coordinated the organization’s international nuclear work. During her time with Greenpeace, she authored several in-depth reports on issues related to the nuclear industry, the ecological consequences of Fukushima, and human rights.

Before joining Greenpeace, she worked with Friends of the Earth U.S. as a Nuclear Campaigner, where she helped to spearhead the campaign that successfully shut down the San Onofre reactors in Southern California. Prior to her time with Friends of the Earth, she was honored to be selected as the 2011 graduate fellow for the largest Democratic caucus, the Congressional Progressive Caucus. She handled the energy and environment legislative portfolio and expanded the CPC Energy and Environment Task Force. She had previously spent over a decade working within a network of environmental nonprofits throughout the U.S. on a variety of issues. She holds an M.S. in Environmental Studies with a concentration in Advocacy for Social Justice and Sustainability from Antioch University New England.

More Staff & Board

Shayda Naficy

Senior Campaigns Director

Matthew Lichty

Data Analyst

Arin De Hoog

Canada Communications Specialist

Aneri Garg

Canada Shipping Campaigner

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We have less than ten years to prevent irreversible harm from climate change. Let’s secure a safer planet together.

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