Senior Campaigns Director

Liz is the Senior Campaigns Director at where she directs Canadian oil and gas campaigns, Canadian forests campaigns, and helps local governments transition off fossil fuels as part of the SAFE Cities campaign. Since joining the team in 2017, she’s helped campaigns develop strategies to engage more than 700,000 people and reach corporate and government decision-makers in innovative and unexpected ways.

Before working with, Liz was Campaigns Director at SumOfUs, where she mobilized millions of people online to take action on corporate accountability and shifted corporate policy at some of the world’s largest companies, and Executive Director at Conversations for Responsible Economic Development (CRED BC), where she convened hundreds of business leaders concerned about the risks of oil pipeline expansion in B.C. Liz was also the co-founder and Executive Director of the UK-based Otesha Project, where she catalyzed a new generation of environmental leaders and designed green jobs training programs, and Climate Change Programme Fellow with the UN Institute for Training and Research in Geneva. She’s also been a piano teacher, organizational development consultant, dancing dinosaur and, for the longest two weeks of her life, a telemarketer. She’s particularly passionate about harnessing digital tools to catalyze real-world change to wind down fossil fuel production and accelerate the clean energy transition in a way that centers and supports impacted communities.

Liz lives on unceded Tsleil-Waututh, Musqueam and Squamish territories in Vancouver, Canada, and when she’s not working, she’s generally wrangling cats, toddlers and/or teenagers (she has all three), tending her backyard garden, or planning bike adventures.


More Staff & Board

Shayda Naficy

Senior Campaigns Director

Matthew Lichty

Data Analyst

Arin De Hoog

Canada Communications Specialist

Aneri Garg

Canada Shipping Campaigner

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