While we are a registered non-profit society in Canada, under the name Stand Environmental Society (BC Reg Id: S0059653), we are not a registered charity. This means that we cannot issue a tax receipt for donations made in Canada.

Your gift is particularly important to Stand.earth’s bold, visible, and effective campaigns given the challenges of fundraising in Canada without charitable status.

For Canadian donations over $1,000, we welcome – and encourage – you to make your donation to our charitable partner, Salal Foundation, who can issue you a tax receipt. The Salal Foundation conducts joint fundraising with Stand.earth; your donation will go towards critical aspects of our campaign needs.

Please let us know if you’ve made a donation to Salal Foundation so that we can thank you and report back on your impact. Contact us at impact@stand.earth if you have any questions. Thank you!

Give to Salal Foundation by filling out the form below or scroll down for other ways to give:

You can also donate via:

Cheque payable to: Salal Foundation
Gift intended for the fund: “Green Canadian Industries – Stand partnership”
Mailing address:
Salal Foundation
185-911 Yates St, Suite 561
Victoria, BC V8V 4Y9

Wire Transfer
Please contact us at impact@stand.earth to request wire transfer details.

Donor Advised Fund
Instruct your grant be made to the Salal Foundation #898470513RR0001
Gift intended for the fund: “Green Canadian Industries – Stand partnership”
Charity Contact: Jeannette Gysbers, Administrative Director
Phone: 250-999-0475

Make a Difference

We have less than ten years to prevent irreversible harm from climate change. Let’s secure a safer planet together.

Ways To Give