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Total Score

37.5 / 100



Levi Strauss & Co. has shown critical success in achieving emissions cuts up to this point due to setting early reduction targets and focusing on supplier engagement. However, as the brand’s emissions reductions level off, the company will need to do more to reduce the harder-to-reach emissions. As 2025 approaches and Levi Strauss & Co looks to set new targets for its manufacturing impact, the company needs to commit to an absolute emissions cut of at least 55% by 2030 and 100% renewable electricity, along with a transparent and specific roadmap to achieving it. Levi Strauss & Co was one of only a small number of brands to offer financing to invest in supply chain transitions, but it appears to rely on debt-based programs which may not provide a rapid and equitable transition.

Score Breakdown

Score 3.5/10
Target Brand Commitment Meets Benchmark
Stores and offices GHG Emission reduction target (Scope 1 & 2) 90% reduction from 2016 levels by 2025 [60]
Stores and offices Renewable Electricity target (Scope 2) 100% by 2025
Manufacturing emissions target (Scope 3) 40% reduction from 2016 levels by 2025 [61]
Manufacturing Renewable Energy target (Scope 3) No
Public commitment to phase out thermal coal and transition to electrification/avoid harmful biomass Coal phase out by 2030[62]
Score 3/10

The company provides a full breakdown of Scope 1 -3 GHG emissions across last 3 years with a baseline as well as a full Scope 3 breakdown.[63] Tier 1 and Tier 2 information is available on Levi Strauss & Co’s suppliers.[64] Levi Strauss & Co discloses progress towards its own operations renewable energy target (90%), and also provides a breakdown of energy sources inclusive of RECs and a VPPA. [65]However, no information is available on the energy or electricity used in Scope 3, which the company should share as a priority.

Score 16/40

Levi Strauss & Co reported the fastest and deepest early reduction in manufacturing emissions, putting it well ahead of the timeline to cut emissions by 55% by 2030. A comparison with its revenue shows early emissions reduction can be tied to falling sales. But, since 2020 the brand appears to have effectively decoupled growth from emissions.

In its own operations Levi Strauss & Co has reported reaching 90% renewable electricity. The company has prioritized low-impact RECs and EACs, but in 2022 the company signed a VPPA in partnership with Walmart for the construction of a new wind farm in Marion County, Kansas. [66]

The company does not report its progress in transitioning to renewable electricity in the supply chain, or in phasing out coal and transitioning its thermal energy use.

Score 15/40

Step 1: Levi Strauss & Co reports providing training support to reduce reliance on fossil fuels by energy efficiency measures, and increase renewable energy. This includes training on target setting, PaCT Assessment program with Intl Finance Corp, GHG inventory, and the Clean by Design Program with the Natural Resources Defence Council (NRDC).[67] The company reports working with the PaCT Assessment program and the Renewable Energy Aggregate with the IFC and Deloitte, which helped 22 factories (9 factories in Pakistan, 13 in Bangladesh). In Pakistan, the company records that 70% of the engaged suppliers have implemented renewable energy projects and the remaining 30% have plans to implement.[68]

Step 2: There is evidence of financial support to encourage energy efficiency and uptake of renewables due to the company’s involvement with the IFC GTSF+ program.[69] This provides low-cost financing to suppliers that have begun implementing low-carbon investment plans and have conducted PaCT cleaner production assessments.[70] However, this financing is debt-based which may limit its accessibility to manufacturers.

Step 3: Levi Strauss & Co. requires suppliers to follow energy management policies and programmes and provides a good benchmark.[71][72] However, there is no evidence of supportive procurement policies to enable a transition.

There is clear support for a coal phase-out through participation in the IFC GTSF+ program. Levi Strauss & Co doesn’t mention or refer to biomass as an alternative but has previously had suppliers in Cambodia linked to the burning of biomass, according to a Mongabay investigation. [73][74]

Levi Strauss & Co has used its voice publicly in support of the Inflation Reduction Act and U.S. SEC Climate Change Disclosure rules. The company is involved with Ceres Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy BICEP which supports increased adoption of renewable energy, energy efficiency and increased investment in a clean energy economy.[75]

Supply Chain Movement

From the suppliers linked to Levi Strauss & Co, only Lenzing and Roo Hsing Co Ltd have some form of decarbonization plan. Lenzing aims to reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 50% by 2030 and achieve net-zero across all scopes by 2050. Roo Hsing Co Ltd has a less ambitious target to reduce its total GHG emissions by 30% by 2030, compared to a base year of 2016. In terms of renewable transition plans, none have publicly communicated an overall renewable energy target but Lenzing has set to achieve 100% green electricity for four sites by 2024. Positively, Roo Hsing Co Ltd communicates it has phased out all traditional coal-fired boilers, to support Levi Strauss & Co’s wider coal phase out commitments. 


[60]  “2022 Sustainability Goals & Progress Update.” Levi Strauss & Co, (2023). p.7.

[61] “2022 Sustainability Goals & Progress Update.” Levi Strauss & Co, (2023). p.7.

[62] “Levi Strauss & Co. Supply Chain Low Carbon Fuel Transition Policy.” Levi Strauss & Co., (2024).

[63] “Our Performance: Data Tables An Overview of Our Key Performance Indicators.” Levi Strauss & Co.,

[64]  “Map of Supplier Facilities.” Levi Strauss & Co.,

[65] “2022 Sustainability Goals & Progress Update.” Levi Strauss & Co, (2023). p. 11

[66] “Ørsted Enters into Power Purchase Agreement with the Walmart Gigaton Initiative in the U.S.” Ørsted, October 18, 2022.

[67] “Climate Action Strategy 2025.” Levi Strauss & Co, (2019).

[68] “Levi Strauss & Co Climate Change 2022.” CDP, (2023). C.12.

[69] “Levi Strauss & Co Climate Change 2022.” CDP, (2023). C.12.

[70] “Global Trade Supplier Finance (GTSF).” International Finance Corporation,

[71] “Levi Strauss & Co Climate Change 2022.” CDP, (2023). C.12.

[72] “Supplier Code of Conduct.” Levi Strauss & Co, (2022).

[73] “Biomass Burning: The Fashion Industry’s False Phase-Out.” Stand.Earth, November, 2023.

[74] “Forests in the Furnace: Can Fashion Brands Tackle Illegal Logging in Their Cambodian Supply Chains.” Mongabay, July 12, 2023.

[75] “Levi Strauss & Co Climate Change 2022.” CDP, (2023). C.12.