Case Studies

Pipeline running through the Amazon rainforest above a river with white text over red background on the top left corner
Protecting Forests

American Banks Lead Project Financing for Petroperú’s Talara Refinery

October 11, 2023
5 teal charts with white numbers in the upper middle and name of five banks below each of the five charts
Protecting Forests

Citibank Funds Oil Expansion in Amazonia

August 9, 2023

How we are moving the global fashion industry

July 3, 2023
Starbucks HQ

How We Upended an Industry by Moving Starbucks

July 1, 2022

Leather: How We Connected High Fashion and Amazon Clear-Cutting

January 6, 2022

One County. One Vote. Hundreds of Game-Changing Policies

October 18, 2021