Breathe in, breathe out… Lululemon’s coal pollution
May 17, 2021
The company’s reliance on coal conflicts with its #positivity on social media.
Earlier this month we released a video about Lululemon’s connection to coal – and it was a huge success thanks to supporters tweeting it to Lululemon and its CEO Calvin McDonald.
In our preliminary research on Lulu, we found that the factories across Asia that make Lululemon’s finished goods are 45% powered by burning coal – and only 2% powered by clean renewable energy.
While the yoga pants maker is busy encouraging its customers to “live like your life depends on it,” Lululemon is putting the lives of its factory workers and the health of nearby communities at risk by spewing coal pollution. This comes at a time when a shocking new study found that one in five deaths globally can be linked to air pollution made from the burning of fossil fuels.¹
Nevertheless, the feedback we received in response to the video was proof that Lululemon’s coal problem is still a very unknown issue. Folks who wrote to us were surprised to discover that their yoga pants are being made with coal, and shocked that this practice doesn’t match with Lululemon’s brand values.
Fashion’s climate pollution is an industry-wide problem, and Lululemon stands out with a clear desire to be on the right side of the climate crisis. But despite setting climate commitments, it hasn’t even begun to get the coal out of the factories it uses to make its famous clothes.
Lululemon has already shown it is willing to be a climate leader, but the company needs to be pushed to phase out coal by 2030.
So we’re amping up our momentum to reach an even wider network of people. That’s why we’re asking you to share our video across your social media platforms so that we can make as many people as possible aware of this issue.
At, transforming companies from climate polluters to climate leaders is kind of our jam. Our community of over half a million people has been holding governments accountable, blocking new tar sands projects, protecting millions of acres of sacred forests, and turning billion-dollar corporations into climate leaders. And none of it is possible without you and your dedication to saving the environment and lives.
Thank you for standing up for communities around the world and doing this work with us.
¹Deaths from fossil fuel emissions higher than previously thought