CONFENIAE Joins the Global Initiative to Save 80% of Amazon by 2025

May 27, 2024
Leaders of indigenous peoples in the Amazon of Ecuador decided to join a big mission to care for the Amazon rainforest: to protect 80% of the Amazon by 2025.
Ecuador is a country full of life and nature. Their share of the Amazon has so many special plants and animals. 84% of this forest is in important areas that need to be taken care of urgently. In addition, 79% of the Amazon in Ecuador is in protected areas, where approximately 1,500 indigenous communities of 11 different nationalities live. These people have taken care of the forest for a long time and are very important to protect it.

What if we don’t take care of the Amazon?

Scientists say that if we keep destroying the forest, we could reach a point where there is no turning back; the point of no return. This means that the forest could disappear forever, causing major problems like more heat, droughts and fires. But we still have time to save her if we act fast.

Indigenous Territories: Guardians of the Earth

Indigenous territories are places where many of these communities live. These territories are very important because they are home to 80% of the plants and animals left in the world. While they don’t always have enough money to care for their lands, they do it very well and sometimes better than government protected areas.
The Amazon for Life Initiative wants to help Indigenous peoples’ rights be recognized and receive the support they need to care for their lands.
Let’s unite to save the Amazon!
Indigenous leaders coming together on this cause is a very important step in protecting one of the most precious places on our planet. It is time to act together and bravely to secure a bright future for the Amazon and everyone around the world!

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