Join the Fossil Free Citi movement today

October 27, 2023
For climate justice, demand Citi drop fossil fuel financing.

2023 will mark a year where the effects of the climate crisis were witnessed and felt worldwide like never before. It will also mark a year where frontline communities, organizers, and advocates repeatedly came together to call attention to the perpetrators of fires, floods, smoke, and heat. This has been instrumental in spotlighting the bad actors contributing to and driving climate destruction.

Some of the worst of these actors? Big banks like Citi. The global climate crisis is being primarily driven by oil and gas corporations, and big banks are long-time financial enablers of this fossil fuel destruction.

That’s why Fossil Free Citi is going after the world’s #2 largest fossil bank, which has poured over $332 billion into coal, oil and gas projects since 2016.

Citibank — a.k.a. Citi — is an especially bad actor. Citi is backing fossil fuel expansion into sacred regions like Amazonia — razing the tree population and ecosystems and contaminating the rivers that Indigenous communities depend on. The bank funds numerous multi-billion projects violating Indigenous rights and polluting sacred land—from the Coastal Gaslink fracked gas pipeline in Canada to the Willow oil drilling project in Alaska.

Following the money makes it clear that Citi is more interested in financing the extraction and exploitation of ecosystems and Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities than a safe climate for us all.

We have only a few years left to cut the world’s climate pollution in half. We are already at 1.25°C of warming, and communities are feeling the intense impact of warming as extreme weather and other climate disasters intensify. And Citi’s continued complicity and inaction in spite of this is unacceptable.

That’s why a global network of Indigenous rights, climate and human rights groups are launching the Fossil Free Citi campaign. We’re rising up and resisting Citi’s financing of climate destruction, and organizing for community-led solutions to the ecological and economic crises we face. We, the people of Fossil Free Citi, declare that enough is enough.

Add your name to send the message to Citi loud and clear: We will not let you sacrifice our communities and our future for your profit.

We believe that a safe and stable climate is possible. Together, let’s demand Citi stop backing fossil fuels for the sake of our communities — and our planet.

See you on!