Oil Train Banner Action in Blast Zone — Mariners Stadium

July 3, 2016

[Seattle, WA] Today at 12 noon Stand (formerly ForestEthics) volunteers will be outside of Safeco Field with a 42 x 14-foot oil train tank car banner. Stand volunteers will be talking to fans on their way into the afternoon game about the threat from oil trains and asking them to sign a petition calling for a ban on oil trains and a denial of all pending permits for new oil train terminals.

Where: Safeco Field, Edgar Martinez Dr.

When: Sunday, July 3, 12:00 noon begin (1:10 game time)


  • Massive photograph-banner of a life-size 30,000-gallon crude oil tank car, like the cars that derailed and exploded in Mosier, OR.
  • Stand representatives will be talking to baseball fans as they enter Safeco Field for the Mariners vs Orioles game about oil trains. Oil trains travel through Washington and Oregon, just yards from Safeco Field, and within a mile of most of downtown Seattle — see oil train routes and 1-mile evacuation zone at www.blast-zone.org.


“We brought our life-size tank car banner to the ballgame today because Safeco Field, and most of Seattle, lies inside the dangerous oil train blast zone,” says Alex Ramel, Stand campaigner. “It’s hard to imagine just how big one of these things is until you see it in person. Few, if any, fire departments can douse the flames from a single burning 30,000-gallon tank car, and an oil train pulls eighty to a hundred fifty of these cars. The derailment and explosion in Mosier proves that crude oil should not be moving on rails through Seattle, or through any of our cities and towns anywhere in America.”


SIGN THE PETITION NOW at www.Blast-Zone.org