Old Growth Events Happening in B.C. Before The Election

September 16, 2024

With the B.C. election quickly approaching this October, now is the perfect opportunity to ramp up the pressure, and make sure promises translate to real action on old growth, Indigenous rights, climate and community safety. We know that organizing for lasting change must go beyond electoral cycles and we also know that politicians’ minds are focused on votes right now. So, let’s remind them how many voters care about this issue.

Grassroots groups and organizations are mobilizing around the province to do just that. Sign up here to be connected with people from your riding, and the network across the province at large so we can build people power and take action together.

Calendar of Upcoming Actions and Events

Poster for the Vancouver 2024 Global Climate Strike

Global Climate Strike 2024

September 20 | 1 PM | Vancouver City Hall – traditional territory of xʷməθkʷəy̓əm, Sḵwx̱wú7mesh, and səlilwətaɬ Nations

“Join thousands of families, students, teachers, elders, youth, advocates and activists as we tell our representatives that enough is enough. Stop trading our bright futures for gas industry profits.”

Grill your candidates event banner. Image shows hot dogs on a grill representing the different candidate parties for the 2024 BC election.

Grill Your Candidate hosted by Wilderness Committee

September 26 | 4:30-6:30 PM | 1910 Store St, Victoria – traditional territory of the lək̓ʷəŋən speaking people of the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations

“Join us at the corner of Store St. and Discovery St. on Sept. 26 anytime between 4:30-6:30pm for FREE hotdogs, good vibes and all the info you need to get grillin’ your candidates!

The B.C. provincial election is fast approaching! Let’s seize this opportunity to turn up the heat on our candidates and demand real change for old-growth, climate and biodiversity. Asking informed questions of our candidates will help us separate the ones that actually know what they’re talking about from those recycling old, tired talking points.”

Families for Forest day of action banner

Families for Forests | September 28 | B.C. wide

“BEHL mobilization days are a province-wide initiative to gain momentum and support for the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health Law so it doesn’t lose focus for the government.

Organizations across BC are mobilizing their supporters to take action on September 28th to pressure their local governments to prioritize biodiversity and ecosystem health right now. Through in person events or digital initiatives, we can work together to show that everyday British Columbians want this law passed with the new government, in 2025.”

Seniors for Climate poster

Seniors for Climate: Canada Wide Day of Action | October 1 | Canada wide

“October 1st is Canada’s National Seniors Day and International Day of Older Persons. On this day, our goal is to act on climate with actions that demonstrate our growing concern about climate breakdown and our desire to rebuild a healthy environment for future generations. To date, more than 60 centres are organizing a climate action on October 1st.”

Find an action near you here.

2-4 PM | Territory of the Lək̓ʷəŋən speaking peoples, Victoria

Some of the Stand.earth team will be at the Victoria Seniors for Climate action – join us!

“Join Seniors for Climate Victoria and take action to protect the environment for our children and grandchildren. We are planning a rally on Canada’s National Seniors Day to demand action on Climate Change by our government and to stop subsidies of Fossil Fuels.”

BC Election Debate Climate & Environment

October 7 | 7 PM | Online via Zoom

“As the BC election gets underway, join Organizing for Change for a debate focused on climate and the environment. Hear directly from candidates on these issues, and make your voice heard in the democratic process.

Candidates attending will be: Ross Reid, BC Green Party | Josie Osborne, BC NDP | Peter Milobar, Conservative Party of BC

Please register in advance below. We look forward to seeing you there!”

Silvicola Screening & Film Tour: Vancouver Island

Join Sierra Club BC for a film screening and Q&A where they will explore the challenges facing forests and forestry in B.C. All screenings of the documentary Silvicola will be followed by a Q&A with the filmmaker, a forest ecologist, and local expert guest speakers. The morning after each film screening, you’re invited to a guided forest walk to learn with us on the land.

They have partnered with Cinema Politica to host this film tour in communities across Vancouver Island between October 5-11, hope you can make it!
October 5: Duncan
October 6: Nanaimo
October 7: Tofino
October 8: Cumberland
October 9: Campbell River
October 10: Port Alberni
October 11: Victoria

Find tickets for a screening near you here.

Candidates Meet and Greet

October 15 | 4-6 pm | Char’s Landing, 4815 Argyle, Port Alberni

Join Alberni Valley Transition Town Society for a social with candidates for MLA in Mid-Island-Pacific. This is an opportunity to discuss and learn about their environmental policies and visions for the future.

Online Actions and Resources for Old Growth

If taking action online is more accessible to you or you would like to do this in addition to participating in person, you can use our:

  • Our latest joint release with the Union of BC Indian Chiefs regarding B.C.’s Old Growth Action Plan. We’re calling on the Province to accelerate the action plan and also:
    • Immediately implement all proposed logging deferrals, including the full area mapped by the Old Growth Technical Advisory Panel, especially where logging and road building is continuing, as well as additional areas that meet the criteria for at-risk old growth and any areas identified by First Nations;
    • Provide full and urgent financial support to First Nations – including by leveraging the Tripartite Nature Agreement – to ensure deferrals are economically viable, especially compensation for revenue-sharing agreements and employment;
    • Direct staff to immediately improve transparency in government announcements, reporting, and monitoring to make information about forests and logging accessible and current – including by releasing updated maps and data showing where recent, ongoing and planned logging overlaps with old growth – and ensure full compliance of all decisions with Free, Prior and Informed Consent and the rights of Title holders.
  • 5 step guide to meet with your MLA, which includes some suggested talking points, demands and additional resources.
  • Stand.earth and Wilderness Committee’s Organize for Old Growth webinar.
  • Stand.earth: B.C. election season – what we need to see.
  • Send a letter to your local candidates to learn where they stand on defending forests and the climate.
  • Sample questions for B.C. election candidates on old growth.

Would you like to connect with people passionate about old growth in your riding?

Sign up here to be connected and network across the province so we can build people power and take action together.

Sign up now