Carnival Can Do Better

December 14, 2016
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My mom went on her first cruise a few years ago. She couldn’t wait to tell me all about it–the food, the outfits, the entertainment, the excursions. 

She planned the trip for more than a year and was so excited to explore the world from a totally different vantage. I was incredibly happy for her, but dismayed that the very ship that brought her a new appreciation of the natural world is also putting our planet at risk.

Cruise ships and the maritime shipping industry as a whole are among the fastest growing source of climate pollution. You wouldn’t know that from the marketing that leading cruise ship companies like Carnival Cruise put out. The truth is, climate pollution from the cruise ship industry is growing. In fact, shipping will account for nearly 20% of global climate pollution by 2050 if significant action is not taken. 

That’s why today, is launching a campaign calling on Carnival Cruise to end its climate pollution.

It’s time to turn the cruise and the shipping industry around and end the polluting of our seas and air with #DirtyShips. The good news is there is technology available right now that could significantly reduce their impact, beyond some very initial steps Carnival has already taken. These actions will reduce climate pollution, the impact on local environments and the health risks to port communities from ships’ air pollution. You can read Stand’s new report to learn more.