Ending Fracking and LNG in BC
80% of gas extracted in BC is done through fracking. When industry liquefies this gas for export, it creates ‘LNG’ or liquefied fracked gas. So more LNG = more fracking, creating an ecological disaster for communities in northeastern BC, on Treaty 8 territory, by covering the land with poisonous fracking waste and abandoned wells. Every year, fracking in British Columbia produces around 390,000 swimming pools worth of contaminated waste water. That’s why we’re working towards ending fracking and LNG in B.C.
LNG consists mainly of methane, a climate super pollutant, that when leaked during the production process is 86 times worse than carbon dioxide for warming our planet.
It’s clear that fracking and LNG have no place in B.C.’s energy future. And in the meantime, the government needs to act now to limit the negative impacts of the existing infrastructure.
By ending fracking and LNG, we can make sure that B.C. meets its carbon emission targets and we can support directly impacted communities from the devastation of fracking.
Get involved with the campaign for a Frack Free BC

Fracking the Peace
Fracking the Peace is a powerful new documentary by Stand.earth following the people whose lives, water, and land have been changed by fracking and its related industrialization on Treaty 8 territory in northeastern B.C.
Find upcoming screenings of Fracking the Peace
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Sign the petition against LNG and fracking
We need more investment in renewables, not LNG.

Protect freshwater in B.C. from toxic fracking
The B.C. government is allowing the fracking industry to pollute billions of litres of freshwater. We have to stop this.

Tell your MLA: No more fracking or LNG
Send your MLA an email and urge them to act

Make a Difference
We have less than ten years to prevent irreversible harm from climate change. Let’s secure a safer planet together.
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