What’s the end result of embodying both ferocity and compassion—of starting with a smile? Answer: an approach to corporate movement that has rocked entire industries, reshaped global supply chains, and paved the way towards a climate-safe future.

We go after the big players. Because when you move corporate titans like 3M—which we did—you move the entire manufacturing sector. When you move globally recognized dining brands like Starbucks—which we did—you move fast food. Levi’s and Louis Vuitton—fashion.

Over the past two decades, Stand.earth has moved dozens of the world’s largest brands to make responsible choices in manufacturing, distribution, packaging, and other areas—leading to industry-wide changes that have slashed demand for old-growth timber, fossil fuels, and other unsustainable resources. Corporation by corporation, industry by industry, we are leading tough conversations, forging alliances, and bringing a climate-safe future to life.

Explore Campaigns

Fossil Free Fashion

As one of the biggest polluters on the planet and responsible for around 5-8% of global climate emissions, we cannot solve the climate crisis without the fashion industry taking bold climate action.

Royal Bank of Canada and Fossil Fuels

Canada’s five biggest banks are among the top funders of fossil fuels in the world. Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) is the country’s biggest fossil finance giant and the world's largest funder of fossil fuels in 2022.

Ship It Zero

Ship It Zero is a climate and public health campaign to move the world’s largest retail companies to 100% zero-emissions ocean shipping.