It takes a lot to cut through the noise today – a powerful voice, unique information, irreverence, and sometimes all of these at the same time.
At Stand.earth we drive international coverage of investigative research linking companies and governments to environmental scandals, from Reuters to TikTok videos and everything in between.
Spoofing Starbucks (previously) unrecyclable cups with a mockumentary? Getting a million views. Yep. Going deep? Exclusive coverage of our work by the largest news outlets in the world? Yep. Going broad? Coverage in hundreds of news sites around the world? Yep. This is what it takes to get corporate and government decision makers to put people and the environment first. Sometimes it has to hit hard. Sometimes humor is key to making change happen.
We craft our communications to the audience we are seeking to change and we do so relentlessly.
We're making headlines

"What we’ve seen is an explosion of climate advocacy that came out of the fossil fuel divestment movement." -- Richard Brooks, director, Climate Finance

"The more connections a brand has to companies that may have a role in deforestation, the higher the risk," said Greg Higgs, the study’s lead researcher.

"There’s this perverse incentive to treat Canada like a toilet bowl," says Anna Barford, Canada shipping campaigner at Stand.earth. "They’re just using us like a highway and tossing stuff left, right and centre."