Forests in North America are essential to a climate-safe future. Old-growth trees – many more than a thousand years old – act as vital carbon sinks, keeping greenhouse gasses out of the atmosphere.

In North America—where many staff members were born, and where we continue to work and live out our principles—forests have been cultivated and stewarded by Indigenous Nations since time immemorial. They hold incalculable cultural value for Indigenous Peoples who rely on them for foods, medicines, clothing, and more. They are home to communities who depend on them for everything from clean water and air to protection from the worst impacts of climate change. And they are threatened by irresponsible industrial logging practices.

We work with allies and partners to expose government misinformation and shine a light on some of the most destructive logging practices on the planet. We mobilize the people in our community to hold their elected representatives accountable, and create expectations for new policies and practices that center ecological integrity. When land defenders take a stand, we dedicate resources to support them and uplift their struggle. In addition, we use investigative research to find links between large corporations and destructive logging practices. When global brands refuse to change, we run innovative campaigns that bring key decision-makers to the negotiating table. 

Our current campaigns focus on preventing the eradication of the last remaining Northern forests. We confront the destructive status quo policies of colonial governments and corporate loggers—while centering the demands and needs of Indigenous Nations. We work to prevent the expansion of the budding North American “biomass” industry, which turns trees into small, flammable wood pellets for burning in coal-converted plants—generating more pollution at the smokestack than coal.

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Forest Biomass

Burning forests for electricity – also known as forest biomass – is now one of the fastest-growing alternatives to fossil fuels gripping the energy sector, but it’s a dangerous distraction in the race to cut carbon emissions. The forest biomass industry threatens forest, communities, and the planet.

Old Growth Forests

Lungs of the world. Precious home to wildlife. Storer of carbon. Protecting old growth forests is protecting our way of life.

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We have less than ten years to prevent irreversible harm from climate change. Let’s secure a safer planet together.

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