Five US Brands to Avoid Sustainable Forestry Initiative
March 30, 2016
Eden Foods, Jamba Juice, Peet’s Coffee, join trend away from logging industry label
Five US Brands to Avoid Sustainable Forestry Initiative
Eden Foods, Jamba Juice, Peet’s Coffee, join trend away from logging industry label
[Bellingham, WA] Stand announced today that five brands join the list of companies committed to avoiding the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI). Eden Foods, Jamba Juice, Peet’s Coffee, Crate & Barrel and In Pursuit of Tea join 37 other prominent brands that have already taken action to move away from SFI.
“Customers and companies look to labels to avoid products that destroy forests, poison waterways, and violate human rights,” says Jim Ace, Stand campaigner. “The SFI Forest Certification Program is governed and financed by the logging industry to mislead companies and consumers who are looking for environmentally sound practises.”
“Here are five more companies who choose environmental responsibility,” says Todd Paglia, Stand executive director. “Customers connect the dots from the product in their hand to forest destruction and the health of wild places around the world. We applaud these companies for aligning their products with their own values and the values of their customers.”
Statements by the five companies
Eden Foods
“In keeping with its social and environmental values, Eden Foods commits to using its brand and sourcing its products in ways that encourage environmental responsibility; preventing the association of its brand or products with programs that do not encourage environmental responsibility; avoiding the promotion of SFI by removing and avoiding all references to SFI from all external and public-facing communications, including the SFI name, logo, and label; avoiding the use of Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI)-certified materials; and working to prevent all SFI-certified products from entering its supply chains.”
Peet’s Coffee
“Peet’s Coffee & Tea will not make references to SFI on our website or any packaging materials.”
Crate and Barrel
“Crate and Barrel recognizes that the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is widely considered the gold standard of forest certification. Crate and Barrel will maintain a strong preference for FSC certified products and is committed to avoiding references to other forest certification labels in company communications at this time.”
Jamba Juice
“Jamba Juice has removed all references to the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) from our cups and will avoid making any references to SFI on external communications in the future.”
In Pursuit of Tea
“In Pursuit of Tea will avoid promoting, referencing, taking environmental credit, or otherwise associating its brand with the ‘Sustainable Forestry Initiative,’ and will avoid using SFI-certified material and the SFI label in its products and packaging.”
Adagio Teas
“Adagio Teas will avoid promoting SFI and will not put the SFI logo on its packaging.”