At its core, the SAFE Cities movement is about one principle – local communities organizing to Stand Against Fossil Fuel Expansion.

The SAFE Cities organizing network supports grassroots activists in building community power by sharing powerful online campaigning tools, organizing skill and leadership trainings, and a support system of like-minded people doing the same work.

It all began in the refinery community of Whatcom County, Washington that was tired of fighting fossil fuel project after fossil fuel project and decided to flip the script. Instead of having to oppose individual projects, they successfully changed their county’s zoning laws to block fossil fuel infrastructure from being allowed to be built in the first place.

What started as a spark in the Pacific Northwest fed into a movement of local action against fossil fuels all across the globe. There are now more than 160 local jurisdictions that have passed policies to tackle the expansion of fossil fuels with more being introduced each month.

Whether it’s zoning out new refineries and gas stations, electrifying buildings and bus fleets, or moving power generation to 100% renewable sources, SAFE Cities is transforming the narrative around the impact local communities can have when it comes to protecting the climate and people’s health from fossil fuels.

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local jurisdiction have passed SAFE policies
SAFE policies have been passed
More than 82 million people live in places that passed SAFE policies

Start organizing with SAFE Cities

Anyone, anywhere, can organize with SAFE Cities and work to pass policies that protect their community and the climate from fossil fuels. The fight against fossil fuels has gone local – are you in?

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Take Action

Join the SAFE Cities movement

Phase out fossil fuels and fast track clean energy solutions

Join the SAFE Cities movement

Phase out fossil fuels and fast track clean energy solutions

Protect California from fossil fuels

It’s time for a just transition to a clean energy economy.



The Signs Are Clear

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Parcel Delivery on a Warming Plan

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Interactive Data Visualizations

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Make a Difference

We have less than ten years to prevent irreversible harm from climate change. Let’s secure a safer planet together.

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