Interactive Data Visualizations

Cities and Transportation

A Roadmap to Fossil-Free Homes

September 21, 2023
Forest Eye
Protecting Forests

Forest Eye

July 24, 2023

Community Climate Impact Map

June 8, 2023


Paper: Fracking with freshwater in a time of severe drought

July 4, 2024
Cities and Transportation

Air Freight Operators Soar Toward Climate Change

June 26, 2024

Methodology – Citi’s Maritime LNG Finance

June 21, 2024


Cities and Transportation
Moving Beyond Fossil Fuels
Protecting Forests

Poll: B.C. residents’ opinions on forests, fracking, and green buildings

July 2, 2024
lululemon logo peaking out from under bunch of coal
Moving Beyond Fossil Fuels

Lululemon Tip line

March 14, 2024
Photo of a spirit bear in the forest to illustrate our Protecting Forests impact area

2023 Impact Report

November 23, 2023

Videos & Webinars

Have We Reached Peak Greenwash?

June 6, 2024
Cities and Transportation

Washington’s Leadership in the Global Climate Movement: A roundtable discussion with leadership and partners

December 12, 2023

My Climate Journey Podcast: Creative Climate Campaigns at

November 6, 2023