Have We Reached Peak Greenwash?

On June 4, 2024, Todd Paglia hosted a virtual Town Hall featuring Rachel Kitchin, senior corporate climate campaigner and Liz McDowell, senior campaigns director to hear about the huge momentum behind our greenwash campaigns.

Greenwash will undoubtedly be one of the big battles in climate and environmental advocacy in the coming years. And Stand is exposing and confronting corporate giants that are deceiving the public with false claims of environmental responsibility while they continue to harm people and the planet. Hear how Stand’s corporate campaigns are stopping the deceptive spin: using innovative strategies, we’re not only holding huge companies like fashion brand lululemon and gas utility FortisBC accountable for greenwash, but also helping companies that invest in genuinely sustainable products begin to stand out in the global market.

Here are helpful links to resources mentioned in the conversation:

Want to know exactly where to go to in the conversation to hear about specific issues? Use the guide below:
0:06 – Todd’s welcome
2:10 – Meet the panelists
5:50 – What is greenwash?
12:30 – lululemon’s coal pollution
25:00 – Fossil fuel industry greenwash context
27:43 – SAFE Cities phasing out fossil fuels
28:35 – FortisBC Greenwashing Lawsuit
35:27 – Legal actions globally
36:33 – Closing Thoughts